Hi everyone, according to the recent precipitations in many western states in Iran, the soil condition around roots become anaerobic and this will results in stamata closure which prevent the leaves and plants to grow and develop. Megafol by controlling the production of ABA limit such effects.
Using Humic Power with spraying the Mc Cream (seaweed extract) after fruit set has a significant effect on planting and therefore result in boosting the plants growth rate and accelerate the ripening of the fruits. It is highly recommended that you use Brexil Combi one or two weeks after early fruits started to develop along with Megafol to make a balance of all necessary micro elements during the early growth stage. Megafol in addition to provide a stimulating effect on plants also contains a complete range of amino acids (all 18 types) with natural synthetic which brings an immense range of anti-stress effects on plants during the development. Such endeavors help farmers to have a simultaneous and uniform ripening of the fruits at the harvest. You should know that inspecting the farm on daily basis will give you vital information about your nutrition program and I recommend you to decide and apply elements according to the relating stage. Good luck.